Comments: 22
BrokenTune 5 years ago
The peanut butter ones are on my shopping list for tomorrow. :) They're brilliant.
They really are!

I tried to get some of the more exotic flavors, too, but our supermarkets don't seem to carry them -- maybe I'll get them from Amazon or some other online vendor later. Provided I'm not out-KitKatted at that point, that is.
I had a green tea one, once, not knowing so before chomping away - it was utterly foul.
BrokenTune 5 years ago
LoL. I'm not a fan of the green tea one either.
I'm not sure I'd particularly care for that one, either. Though green tea chocolate seems to be some sort of fad ... I've seen some pretty expensive, fancy varieties lately.
I think it's because green tea everything is a fad.
Quite possibly, yes ...
Murder by Death 5 years ago
I've seen the green tea one around - it sounded vile.
Hol 5 years ago
What a spread!
Lillelara 5 years ago
In my hometown we have a big supermarket with loads of imported sweets. I have to take a look at their shelves, maybe they have some odd kitkat flavours as well. (They have the peanutbutter M & M‘s, which are the most delicious things ever. Apparently peanutbutter makes everything better).
Peanut butter most definitely makes everything better. :D

And if they have fruit KitKats at your supermarket, I'll happily await your verdict before venturing out to try and find them for myself ...
Lillelara 5 years ago
Fruit KitKats ... oh, that does sound like something I definitely won‘t like (not a fruit fan). But if they have them, I will try them out and possibly let someone else try them as well ;)
I know there's raspberry and strawberry -- no idea what else in terms of fruit. I can see both of these working, just about (though no competition with Yogurette).
Murder by Death 5 years ago
Stay tuned for a report on the Passionfruit variety ...
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Knowing I love pretzels and chocolate and salted caramel, my husband once bought me a Caramel Pretzel KitKat, and it turns out you can absolutely have too much of good things. After one piece I decided it was even odds whether I died of salt poisoning or a sugar coma. Not recommended. *shudder*
I believe that sight unseen. :( Evem though your husband deserves a brownie point for trying.
Portable Magic 5 years ago
Okayyyy I have to ask. What exactly is "ruby" flavored KitKat? I mean, it can't literally be gemstone flavored, so what is "ruby" a euphemism for? Is it like how "red velvet" is a kind of vinegar infused chocolate?
It's the first variation they came up with, some years ago. "Technically" it's cocoa beans, but they artificially bred them to be pink enough to actually produce pink chocolate. Though I don't know what else they did to them in the process (or what they're mixing into the pink end product actually going into the KitKat bars), because that end product tastes more like something artificially sweetened than like anything resembling chocolate to me. (In fact, if I hadn't listened to -- or read -- a report about it when the "ruby" KitKats were first introduced, I'd doubt altogether that this stuff is based on cocoa beans, but apparently it really is ... whatever they then do to it in the production process.)
Portable Magic 5 years ago
Probably just loads of food dye, like for red velvet, except that red velvet tastes delicious. At least in cake. No doubt there are artificially flavored candies, etc. that are disgusting.
They may be adding some food dye somewhere, too, but what really got me in that report when the product was first introduced was that the pink is the actual color of the cocoa beans the stuff is made from (the reporter had a chance to observe the production process, from raw beans to finished process and this was probably the most astonishing part of the whole feature -- in fact, IIRC it's why the whole thing was considered worthwhile reporting on in mainstream media in the first place). I'm guessing genetic engineering -- and lots of artificial sweetener later added in the production process.
Murder by Death 5 years ago
I can actually report on this from a non-KitKat related angle: I and some friends visited a local 'Chocolaterie' (sp?) a few months ago, and they were selling Ruby chocolate bars. I asked about them because I, like TA, thought they were just dyed pink and that seemed bizarre - why pink? why not blue? They told me (as TA reports above) they are an actual cocoa bean that produced pink chocolate; their bars advertised no dyes, no gluten, etc. and they were PINK, so additional dyes might not be necessary (though I haven't seen a Ruby KitKat - I passed on buying one based on this experience).

TA is also correct that they don't taste great (in my opinion). I rarely enjoy white chocolate, and the Ruby's taste and texture resembled white chocolate to me. Though white chocolate tastes better. I seriously did not like the ruby chocolate at all.