Comments: 12
Carpe Librum 9 years ago
I love Sansom's Shardlake series and have this on my shelf. I had high hopes for it.
Url Phantomhive 9 years ago
I hope you'll enjoy it better. I really think it had to do with the weird translation though, I can't really describe it but it felt off the whole time (or perhaps I'm no longer used to reading in Dutch).
I hear you on translations, Url Phantomhive (that's part of why I avoid them whenever I can), but I also agree on the book itself, which FWIW I've read in English -- it doesn't measure up to the Shardlake series. I enjoyed it, but you can tell that Sansom isn't nearly as much at home in Civil War era Spain as he is in Tudor England. He clearly did his homework, but it still felt more like an experiment than like an author confidently striding forward and knowing exactly where he is going.
Url Phantomhive 9 years ago
I try to read as much as my books in English or untranslated (I've read maybe 3 or 4 Dutch books this year), but this one was a gift.

I've heard a lot of good things about the Shardlake series. I'll definitely try it, it's only not the book that I still have, that's Dominion. Any experience with that book?
None with that one, alas -- I'm not a big fan of alternate history, and as "Dominion" ia also a stand-alone, that's another reason why I haven't gotten around to it, although it *is* on my TBR as well.

The Shardlakes are best read in order, btw., not only because there's a clear development to Shardlake himself as a character, and his relationship with his side kick(s), but also because the course of Henry VIII's reign is in many respects central to the plot line(s). Enjoy, you have a lot to look forward there!
Url Phantomhive 9 years ago
Thanks! I look forward to reading them!
Carpe Librum 9 years ago
I haven't tried Dominion for the same reason - not sure about the alternate history angle. The Shardlake series is definitely one of my favorites. I have to admit to having no skill with languages other than English, so I know nothing about translations, though I did recently get The Lightening Thief in French for my son.
Url Phantomhive 9 years ago
Not that I have that much experience reading alternate history, but I think it sounds like something that could be very interesting if done well... I'm looking forward to first read Dominion and then start with the Shardlake series.

Funny how these things go, because I wasn't really enthusiast after reading Winter in Madrid and now I can hardly wait to read more by the same author :)
That's a good thing, though, isn't it? Well, I hope "Dominion" is going to work better for you then -- I wouldn't want you to be put off the Shardlake series just because you read the two stand-alones first and weren't really enthusiastic about them! ;)
Url Phantomhive 9 years ago
Sure :)

I'll keep in mind that whatever happens I should try the Shardlake series ;)
ѦѺ 9 years ago
there is so much lost in translations but there are still a lot of good ones. i hope you enjoy your next Sansom read. thanks for sharing. i'll look for the English version.
Url Phantomhive 9 years ago
Thanks! I hope you will enjoy the English version!