Comments: 7
NerdyBirdie 9 years ago
I'm personally not planning to read to the If I Stay duology by Gayle Forman, to be honest. I haven't read it either! :D
Ani's Book Abyss 9 years ago
To be honest, I'm really not too motivated to read it either. It's just sitting on my TBR in case I do, somehow become interested enough to pick it up.
I'm wary of hyped books as well. I've been burned too many times so now I tend to avoid them.
I haven't read Catcher in the Rye, either. One of these days. :) By the way, I really like your 'top ten Tuesday' graphic. :)
Ani's Book Abyss 9 years ago
Thanks. I actually stole it from The Broke and the Bookish though. I was using the graphic that they're currently using for a while until I found this one after skimming some of their other Top Ten Tuesday posts, and then decided to use it because I have an obsession with anything Sanrio, especially Pochacco.
9 years ago
This is why I collect so many samples, and reject 9/10.
Ani's Book Abyss 9 years ago
Maybe I should start doing that as well.
9 years ago
Saves a fortune!