It's a bit of fun! But, of course, I am rooting for you to complete the bingo, whenever it may be. :D It's just not as important as having fun with this.
Are you keeping to your original list or changing out titles?
I've so far officially decided to change out a few titles and swapped some squares around. 'The Haunting of Hill House' was originally proposed as my 'Scary Women' square, but I couldn't resist using it for my 'Ghost/Haunted House' one--that couldn't be helped. lol
I'm considering switching out 'Falling' by Christopher Pike for another "Fall" book, though I haven't officially decided which yet. I just suddenly lost interest in it and I'm not about to question my reading mood. :P
But overall, I'm still sticking pretty close to my original list. I recently discovered some books that I want to read and have been trying to figure out if I can find a way to fit them into my Bingo card, or if I should just wait it out and read those books later. haha So many new books added to my TBR even as I already have so many other options to choose from.
Exactly what BrokenTune said - but I'll add that you might not be quick to get a bingo the first fortnight, but you'll soon cover enough squares that reading one book will get you multiple bingos at once! :)
I'm glad you're having a good time with it though. :)
@MbD I have a feeling that's what's going to happen. The majority of the books I chose for Bingo are library books, so I've been trying to get through all those first, which has me kind of meandering around the board a little bit. lol
I'm definitely having fun. And I've read some good books so far too! That's always a plus! :D
8 years ago
I'm very similar. Mood reader with a few that need finishing and multiple books going at once. I'm very close to my first Bingo now though.
I'd been trying to stick to one book at a time, but every time I walk by my shelf, I go "Maybe I'll just read one chapter... as sort of a preview." Then the next thing I know, I'm already five or six chapters in and want to continue reading THAT book... on top of the other three I'm already reading. lol
lol You are correct. :P Too many books to read is definitely a good problem! It probably just means that I'll probably blackout the board all in one go sometime next month. O.o
Are you keeping to your original list or changing out titles?
I've so far officially decided to change out a few titles and swapped some squares around. 'The Haunting of Hill House' was originally proposed as my 'Scary Women' square, but I couldn't resist using it for my 'Ghost/Haunted House' one--that couldn't be helped. lol
I'm considering switching out 'Falling' by Christopher Pike for another "Fall" book, though I haven't officially decided which yet. I just suddenly lost interest in it and I'm not about to question my reading mood. :P
But overall, I'm still sticking pretty close to my original list. I recently discovered some books that I want to read and have been trying to figure out if I can find a way to fit them into my Bingo card, or if I should just wait it out and read those books later. haha So many new books added to my TBR even as I already have so many other options to choose from.
I'm glad you're having a good time with it though. :)
I'm definitely having fun. And I've read some good books so far too! That's always a plus! :D