Comments: 70
Sarah's Library 11 years ago
Cool! This will be really useful. Thanks for all the hard work.
*You're simply the best, better than all the rest
better than anyone, anyone I've ever met.
I'm stuck on your heart, I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart no, no, baby, I would rather be dead*

I'd even say you're the bestest. (In the words of Electronic Supersonic)
ibrium 11 years ago
Definitely a step in the right direction, thank you. However, I see that books I've set to DNF are still appearing on my "Planning to Read" shelf. I don't want to mark those books as any of the default statuses, if it can be avoided. Is this something that could be implemented in a future Thursday Release?
BookLikes 11 years ago
You can avoid it. Here's a hint from our post: "If you want to reset previously given status (Read, Planning to read, Currently reading), click on it and Save. It should go white (inactive) and notion "On Shelf" will appear instead. " Just click on planning to read status in book pop up to deactivate it and Save.
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
Just "unclick" Planning to read tab.
ibrium 11 years ago
Ah, I see. It has to be done in the shelf view. I was trying to do it from the edit field in the table view, and unclicking any of the default options doesn't work there (at least for me).
Thanks for the tip, Dawid, and thanks for this feature! I was psyched to see it; I like my books to be exclusive by year (Read in XXXX). It wasn't a big deal, but I was glad to see I could do this.
Maven Books 11 years ago
I made a new status and started removing the "Read" status from them. Unfortunately, this seems to remove the star ratings I already posted. Is this intentional?
Sarah's Library 11 years ago
I did notice that when you are in table view the column that shows the star ratings cuts off the second half of the 5th star and puts it on the next line. Is there anyway to fix that?
BookLikes 11 years ago
We'll fix the stars. Thank you for letting us know :)
Sarah's Library 11 years ago
I did notice that when you are in table view the column that shows the star ratings cuts off the second half of the 5th star and puts it on the next line. Is there anyway to fix that?

Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
I have been trying to get my Planning to read off from my books, but it doesn't work.
Trillian 11 years ago
Maybe what Booklikes and Dawid answered Ibrium a few comments above can help you. Click on the book in your shelf, then click on "planning to read" (green button). then it should be grey. I hope I understood your problem correctly and my answer helped you :)
Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
Thanks so very much for the clear explanation, now I get it, and now I see where I have to click. I was already searching for specific buttons with that highlighted, didn't think I would have to click the tab icons. Thanks!
Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
No need to shout, sjeesh. You can also be nice and such you know? I was just saying that I can't get it to work. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but that is nothing to go angry about.
Sorry, i didn't mean to shout, I'd underline it if I could, but caps were the only think that came to mind. I should have stipulated that.
Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
Glad you didn't mean it rude/mean and that you didn't mean to shout. And next time just do it without the caps, or if possible with cursive or underlining, that would be lovely.
I'll make a quick tutorial ^^ Sorry again, I really didn't mean to offend.
Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
That would be nice, I am sure there are enough people who are not sure how it works. And it is ok, thanks for clarifying.
tutorial is up (in case you're interested)
Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
Thanks, will check it out. :)
Twirling Book Princess 11 years ago
It is a nice tutorial. Thanks for making it. :)
Thank you thank you thank you - goes off to make several shelves exclusive
Thanks so much for adding this. It will really be useful. I still wish there was a way to mark a book as both Read and Currently Reading or Read and Planning to Read for books that I'm either rereading or planning to reread.

I see from the images I could just create exclusive shelves for rereading, though doing that would mess up my stat numbers, and part of how I determine whether or not I've missed anything is comparing stat numbers between the various book sites I use. Perhaps I'll just have to keep this in mind in the future when comparing book stats...
Another thing, is there a way to turn an existing shelf into an exclusive shelf? If there is I can't seem to find a way to do it. If I have to create a new exclusive shelf and then delete the existing shelf afterwards, I guess it's not that big a deal. I literally only have two books right now that I'd want to move to an exclusive shelf, but I could see how it would be a big pain for people who have lots of books they want to put on exclusive shelves.
It's not working for me. I keep clicking on the 'planning to read' to unselect it but it doesn't.
Oh I got it now. You have to click on 'planning to read' in two different places!
Hi, thanks so much for the hard work. This is a huge improvement.

There's a slight problem with this. If you have a book listed as To-Read (which is how all my DNRs came in) and you create a new exclusive shelf called DNR (do not read), the books stay on the To-Read shelf. The exclusive shelves don't get a radio button like the original ones. You have to remove the book from your TBR shelf and then re-add it to only the exclusive shelf. Your review, rating and all other thematic shelving is then lost in the move. It seems that they system doesn't recognize the new shelves as exclusive when a book is added to a new exclusive shelf. The To-Read status remains.
BookLikes 11 years ago
Even if you unclick old status, the book receives notion "On Shelf" and will stay on your shelf with your review. You can shelve a book on exclusive shelve plus on thematic shelve. These options are possible in book pop up - once you click on the book.
Excellent, that worked. A bit of manual labor, but my shelves are much better sorted now. Thank you SOOOOOO much for implementing this. It's great!
Hall of Records 11 years ago
It works perfectly. Thank you so much for adding this feature.
I managed to screw that up! I made a new shelf, put books on it, and then wanted to delete them from the shelf I had moved them from... and ended up completely deleting 75 books :(
I also have a question, I think I sometimes have a book on my shelves more than once, is there a way to see if I do, so that I can remove accidental doubles if needed. (Sometimes, I actually do own different editions, one to read and on audio)
Thanks in advance :)
Rachel the Book Harlot 11 years ago
I found duplicates by using the "table view" feature on the book shelf page and sorting the books by title.
Thanks Rachel, I'll try that :)
Lost In A Book 11 years ago
Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a way to remove books from a shelf in a batch instead of one by one? Or a way to change a shelf to an exclusive status?
You can batch edit books.
Lost In A Book 11 years ago
I have to be missing something then. I can see how to add them to a shelf in a batch, but not how to remove them. Going back to look again.
Lost In A Book 11 years ago
Gah! I hate to be dense, but can you explain this to me, please
. I need to remove a bunch of books from "planning to read" without removing them from any other shelves. If I click "remove selected" they get removed from everything. What am I missing?
ibrium 11 years ago
As far as I can figure out, batch edit only works for adding selected books to a shelf or deleting them entirely. The only way to change a book from one of the three original default shelving locations (Read, Currently Reading, Planning to Read) is to do them one by one by clicking on the book cover.

Lost In A Book 11 years ago
Ack! They can stay on "planning to read" then. There's over 1000 I need to move.
Foolish Oats 11 years ago
Such a great idea! Thank you, BookLikes team!
Marianna 11 years ago
Is there a way to make the shelf page always be in table view?
Lost In A Book 11 years ago
That happened to me too. If you name it the same as one of your other (non-exclusive) shelves it won't work. I changed the name of my non-exclusive first and then added the exclusive.
Thank you very much, BookLikes!
Nicole Reads 11 years ago
This is great! Thank you so much! You guys are amazing.
Rachel the Book Harlot 11 years ago
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is so incredibly helpful!
Thank you so much!!! I love this!
Martini 11 years ago
I would like to make a suggestion for this new feature (don't know if this has been already mentioned, haven't read all the comments): Could you please make it possible to add a date to the new exclusive status as well? For example, when I mark a book as "abandoned", I would like to keep track of when that happened. Thanks for considering. :-)
Pouts. I echo what others have said. I have 15 shelves which have somewhere in the region of 1400 books (in total) on them which I want to be exclusive. What would be awesome is to be able to change the status of an existing shelf to exclusive. For example, I have 500 books on the shelf "read-2012" I want that to be exclusive is there a way to just move it up to exclusive rather than batch add them to a new exclusive shelf called (say) 2012-read (because it has to be a new name) in sets of 75?
That can be done, actually. You create a new status shelf, do a batch addition of books to it and then remove the normal shelf. Bam! You're done.
Pouts. I echo what others have said. I have 15 shelves which have somewhere in the region of 1400 books (in total) on them which I want to be exclusive. What would be awesome is to be able to change the status of an existing shelf to exclusive. For example, I have 500 books on the shelf "read-2012" I want that to be exclusive is there a way to just move it up to exclusive rather than batch add them to a new exclusive shelf called (say) 2012-read (because it has to be a new name) in sets of 75?

Apologies for the double posting. When I hit carriage return it adds a carriage return in the post I am writing so I hit it again and voilà, double-posting
If you want to move a whole bunch of books from pre-existing shelf to a newly created status one, maybe this will help:
Sure, I saw that. The problem is that the max number of books to batch edit at a time appears to be 75. When you need to move 1400 books that is a lot of to and fro. What I am saying would be nicer would be the ability to promote an existing shelf to exclusive status
I see. I'm sorry to hear that. You'd have to do it about 19 times (still doable, and IMO not extreme hassle, but I see your point.) I'm just a little bit sorry for BL staff that has a crowd of people shouting at them about a million changes they want ;) So I try to find ways to make it work as it is, so that we can all be happy.
You know what would be nice in the Table View? The ability to add/correct the fields, especially author and title because in migrating over from GR, I lost a whole bunch of author names and there are a couple of spelling errors in my 2600+ books I'd like to correct without having to delete the record and re-add it. :)
Ack, I love it! I am going to be busy for weeks sorting out my import and reorganizing my shelves. And I will love every minute of it. :o)
Novel Tease 11 years ago
I think the line "or move several books at once:" is wrong. You can ADD several books at once, but not MOVE them (which is a matter of some import for those of us who had a large number of books on "exclusive" shelves imported as non-exclusive, and placed on the "Planning to read" shelf. Please make exclusive shelves REALLY exclusive.
Marianna 11 years ago
It took me a bit of time to figure out that I can un-select the radio buttons... This is somehow counter intuitive.