Comments: 4
Good point about over the top nemesis. It gets old after a while.
Genres go through trends. Right now historical romance's is "dukes," and I'd say mystery/thriller's is "over the top villain(s)."

(And too many books of all genres are going with both "love triangle" and "multiple narrators"!)
Ani's Book Abyss 7 years ago
(And too many books of all genres are going with both "love triangle" and "multiple narrators"!)

These are two of my least favorite things in books. I already don't really care for 1st person POV, but then you get multiple 1st person POV, and I groan in frustration. Would a simple 3rd person not suffice?

And yes, the over-the-top villain thing is way overused.
Maybe the authors have been watching too many James Bond movies.