Comments: 15
BrokenTune 7 years ago
Even if your June was "meh", at least you have a TON of new books to look forward to. I'm actually kinda impressed that your July deficit is this close to single figures. ;D

Also, I picked up The Existentialist Cafe from the library this week. :D I'll clear a couple of books off my "currently reading" shelf before starting it, tho.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
I know - looking at my notebook's list of bought books makes me grin like a kid on Christmas. :D The problem with binges though is that they're hard to stop; if I can get through July without any further book buying, I'll be good - totally set for the rest of the year, in fact. IF.

YAY - I can't wait to hear your thoughts about it and have someone to chat with. Also a tad nervous, since I raved so much about it. But we all know I'm over-geared for enthusiasm about books anyway. Did you get print or audio?
BrokenTune 7 years ago
I now have both. I've had the audio for a while but really wanted a text version to read along...and make notes in/from. I would Never scribble in a borrowed book, but I do like adding bookmarks to come back to certain parts or mark quotes.
So, I got the hb from the library.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
Excellent - you've just made me feel better about my memory. I was sitting here thinking 'I thought she said she had the audio already ... must have been someone else??' Nice when the memory works as it's supposed to. :)
BrokenTune 7 years ago
Here is a first question already: should I read Sarte's Nausea (currently sitting on my shelf at home...totally unread) before or after Bakewell's book? Part of me thinks I should read it before so I approach it without any bias or preconceived interpretations I might pick up in Bakewell's book.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
If that's the only reason you're thinking about reading it (to avoid bias), then yes, definitely read it beforehand, because one way or the other, you'll come out of Bakewell's books with notions about Sartre. But reading his works is in no way necessary for understanding/enjoyment of Bakewell's book.
BrokenTune 7 years ago
Well, I already have some notions about him, and they aren't exactly flattering (mostly based on his fall-out with Camus over The Rebel).
But if she doesn't go into a lot of detail about Nausea then I might just save the book (Nausea) for later.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
No, not a lot of detail; she discusses it as the book that brought her to philosophy, but I don't think she discusses the text itself enough to spoil it for a new reader in any way.
BrokenTune 7 years ago
Brilliant. Thank you. I'll read it after then...or at some point...later.
Darth Pedant 7 years ago
Damn sales tax policy wrecking our TBRs and book budgets! *shakes fist* Sending you anti-slump vibes. May all our July reading be better than "Meh"!
Murder by Death 7 years ago
Amen! I don't know why I'm so jacked about it; I know deep down it's not going to make a bit of difference in anything except maybe losing some options. Actually, I do know why I'm jacked: I'm feeling twitchy about anything that smacks of isolationism/protectionism at the moment... but that's a rant for another day. ;)
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
I have vowed not to give the regime, and that includes my red county and state, a single cent more than necessary. I will support my public library through FoL donations plus what they get from property tax, but buying is out of the question. I'm more inclined to look at just reducing the collection. That's a daunting prospect on its own.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
This tax isn't really new; there's just always been a threshold in place and as of today, that's gone. My resentment isn't about the change so much, but the ham-fisted, bumbling, protectionist way they've gone about doing it. It's like watching 8 year olds play at government. And unfortunately here, both parties are incompetent in the same bumbling, 8 year old way; its the most benignly insane thing I've ever seen.
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
We have ham-fisted, bumbling, protectionist on steroids here, and on multiple levels.

And we have an incompetent 3 year old at the head of everything. Insane, yes. Benign, not on your life.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
I swear to you Linda, having lived in both places, and with the exception of the orange fascist, these guys make US politicians look like philosophers. You have to see it to believe it.