Hi. No need to apologise or explain. There is no pressure to get involved or read anything that you don't want to read. It's entirely your choice. It's meant to be a bit of fun, not suck the pleasure out of your reading. Tbh, I find it quite hard going to limit my reading to certain categories, and this is even tho I love the Halloween Bingo game.
And fitting the bingo or not, I love seeing all sorts of posts and reading updates.
What BT said -- the bingo squares are in essence voluntary reading prompts, nothing more. Take them or leave them ... and if you leave them, definitely no need for excuses or explanations. We love for many people here on BookLikes to join us in the game, but if your heart isn't in it it's only half the fun. Though obviously you'll be more than welcome if one day you do end up deciding to join in!
I had fun last year but I find it hard to read what I should to get bingo and keep it fun. LOL it's just a pressure I put on myself, I'm competitive. -and this is my busiest quarter at work. I bowed out this year too. I'm glad and sad at the same time
And fitting the bingo or not, I love seeing all sorts of posts and reading updates.