Comments: 15
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
Yes, it's a series, the series # actually shows up on GR.
Spare Ammo 11 years ago
I have never understood Aguirre's success. I reaf one book and it was an homage to name brands, that was enough.
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
I had the impression she wrote about some kick-ass females, but I guess I was wrong
Spare Ammo 11 years ago
Readers say so but I didn't like the book even leaving out the brand-naming so I couldn't say.
Isa Lavinia 11 years ago
I can't believe you read one of her books! Since that rape apologist, victim blaming piece of shit that was Enclave, I can barely keep myself from Hulking out at the mention of her name.
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
I've never read any other one, and I've purposefully avoided that book >
Isa Lavinia 11 years ago
Well, from your review, her plots are still as nonsensical and filled with clichés as ever, but if the best thing we can say about them is that she ~progressed~ so they don't come with rape and victim blaming...
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago
I've seriously read books that have made Cullen seem like a nice, normal, well-adjusted young man.
Books Over TV 11 years ago
I have Enclave but haven't read it. Now after reading the comments I have no desire to read it.
Isa Lavinia 11 years ago
The protagonist meets this girl who is a gang's sex slave, they keep raping this girl so she'll have babies, but they're always stillborn. And the protagonist BLAMES this girl for this, finds her weak, and thinks she should have died fighting instead. Then the leader of that gang becomes one of the protagonist's love interests in the unavoidable love triangle. It was SO sick...
Books Over TV 11 years ago
YIKES!!! I can't believe I haven't heard this before. Thank you.
Isa Lavinia 11 years ago
No problem! It's so weird that most reviews of the book don't mention this stuff...
Khanh the Killjoy 11 years ago