Comments: 1
Books 'n Stuff 10 years ago
Well I know whats going on my tbr next. Seriously, with macho bullshit being what it is a leader who can show some kind of feeling is a seriously underestimated quality. When I got to my first unit in 2001 (army 10 years), my brigade commamder was a few months from moving on. People come and go all the time in the military, he wasn't retiring just going somewhere else. Before the official change of command he got the entire unit together, probably 200 or so 300 of us, (it was small for a brigade), at an auditorium so he could tell us his personal stories. He talked about how he had been in Somalia for the whole blackhawk down incident. He had been in charge of the hospital there at the time. I've never seen a grown man get up in front of a group, any group of people, like that and cry like this man did. He talked about seeing a friend die on his operating table. I've always had a lot of respect for the man after that. Chuck Norris has always seemed to me like a similar sort of individual. Damn sure respect that.