Comments: 13
Mike Finn 4 years ago
Like America, we are now led by al liar, voted for by people who either believe him or think he's no more a liar than any of the others.
Putin must be a happy man today.
markk 4 years ago
Agreed. The degree to which the right has gleefully profited from his efforts to disrupt their countries is disgusting.
BrokenTune 4 years ago
I felt sick when the exit polls were announced. And still felt sick this morning. It may last a while.
markk 4 years ago
I'm so sorry.
With you all -- devastated and angry.
TeaStitchRead 4 years ago
I can't seem to look away from Brit Twitter. Yes there is a real push now for Scotland to go solo, as FM Sturgeon did the work to bring her party into the majority. My big worry is NI and the Good Friday Agreement - NI is already screwed with having no regular meeting of parliament in Storm, now a hard border or the possibility of NI leaving the Union and re-unification of Ireland....and not without a little blood shed.
4 years ago
The irony is Boris was a Remainer until it was expedient for his personal ambitions to switch sides. It will be interesting to see what he does with all those election promises now. I should take screen shots.
The problem is, neither BJ and his crew nor the people who elected them seem to be much bothered about all those lies and broken promises -- I mean, it's not like BJ & gang don't have ample pre-election "form".
BrokenTune 4 years ago
No one seems to have been bothered about any of the broken promises made since before 2016, and no one even seems to hold BJ and his cronies to account for any of the lies they have spread. And with no opposition to speak of, I cannot see how there will be an opportunity for people to even act on any regrets until the next election. By then people may have already forgotten again or stopped caring.
4 years ago
It's bizarrely like Trumpism. Free pass for all the dishonesty and everything else the Tories have done over 9 years. What's wrong with people?

The thing is, there's another parallel. People couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary so Trump won. People couldn't bring themselves to vote for Corbyn so Boris won. It was about 68% turn-out.

Jim Morrison got it right. All a bunch of slaves.
BrokenTune 4 years ago
markk 4 years ago
It's like Trumpism in another respect: BoJo's victory was won without a majority of the votes; indeed, there were far more votes for candidates advocating Remain than for those seeking Leave. Yet thanks to the U.K's first-past-the-post system and some Farage-directed ratfuckery the minority gets uncontestable control over the country for the next several years.

It doesn't even matter when the people express their voice when that voice is muffled and distorted by the system.
4 years ago
Don't forget Tory lies. A study showed 82% of claims made by Tories during the campaign were provably false. Labour-0. Let's not mention the LibDems. The bar charts were comic at best.