Comments: 5
Literary Ames 9 years ago
I really disliked Cinderella aka Celaena in Throne of Glass but the sequel was awesome. And a bit gruesome.

Oh, and there's a reason for the spoilt entitlement.

I'm stuck halfway through #3 because the guys' POVs are so dull. Celaena and the bloodthirsty serial killing witch are brilliant.
Yeah I know, everyone keeps saying the sequels are brilliant, but I can't stand her. I CANNOT STAND HER. In either Book 1 or the 2 prequels I read. So I gave this series two chances to impress me and it didn't happen. And I am so sad because i want to love it.
Literary Ames 9 years ago
I can understand that. I think the author took realised she needed to up her game after the reviews for the prequel and the first book and endeavoured to do better with the sequel. Too late for some.
It may be well that she did improve the sequel, but I can't trust that, can I? What if I waste my time trying to read it and find I still hate it all?