Comments: 8
Miranda 10 years ago
I´d rather say that´s why no one takes *this* clown seriously. The ones like H.M. Ward or Liliana Hart who became millionaires via their self-published books, or the thousands and more of authors, who make a decent living, might disagree with your sentiment.
Yes, you're right. In my rage I have chosen to not be eloquent and mention the certainly lots of self-publishers who ARE serious and ARE taken seriously, including several I do quite admire.
Miranda 10 years ago
I am cool with it, really. We all know there are scammers out there, and piles of dreck from people who simply cannot write a coherent sentence. No denying. Just thinking those blank statements and generalization don´t help anyone, neither readers or authors. IDK, that those idiots get away with three pages "books" - up to a degree and for most parts not for very long - has more to do with human nature as such, not really with self/Indie publishing. Where there are loopholes to explore sooner or later scammers will do it. And some will fall for it. Sometimes we are a less sophisticated bunch than we think we are.
Spare Ammo 10 years ago
Most of them seem to be 3 pages long, one is 6 pgs, one is 261 pgs, and one is 1 page. I didn't check all of them but-really? And Christian Erotica?
The 261 page one is mostly gibberish 'written by a blind friend'. I checked the sample.
Sandi 10 years ago
I just looked at the 'author blurb' on Amazon, that was enough to know it's a 'no' for me.