Comments: 8
5 years ago
Love your description of Uncle Silas. You are exactly right!
Murder by Death 5 years ago
#8. You are SO not wrong about this one. I have flashbacks to this book and I've never been able to see a powdered donut as an innocent treat again. Ugh.
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
That book is so messed up. And I had friends who read the whole series. shudders.
Murder by Death 5 years ago
*Raises hand* That'd be me. I read the first three at least. And honestly wish I could go back in time and unread them.
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
I wish I could unread the first one, so you have 3x as much unreading to do as me!
A Man With An Agenda 5 years ago
Uncle Silas! Finding out about that book and reading it is one of the best arguments for the 1001 Books book
Elentarri's Book Blog 5 years ago
I don't read horror either. Except Dracula. That was good. :)
I did start Descent by Jeff Long, but didn't get past the second chapter - too scary! That guy can write!
Snap to Will Henry!