Comments: 9
One thing - you don't need to find it on your blog :D Just save a ling to an editing view of that post. That's how I update my page with tutorials ^^
Abandoned by user 11 years ago
Thanks. Now I just have to figure out how to do that. Do you mean like saving a link in my favorites menu, or somewhere on BL?
No, literally. Go to edit your post an when you have an editor open, bookmark url address.
Clear enough or should I provide a picture ^^ ?
Abandoned by user 11 years ago
I think I've got it. I'm about to go test it out. :)
Abandoned by user 11 years ago
I agree - or, if you could just go back to "now" as an option, which is how it comes up when you create a new post and publish it right when you finish it.
Thanks for the suggestion! I'm going to try this out on my own blog - as I miss this GoodRead's function.
Denise 11 years ago
Quick question about this. What timezone is BookLikes on? I was trying to do a test post and now I have no clue when it will post.