Comments: 9
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
I'm not even ready for Friday!
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago

I love this idea, I love the pretty papers and the filled jars, but I already have so many challenges that I'm going to do. But I really do need to start reading some of the freebies I've downloaded. Le Sigh. Never enough time.

Whoa, I just realized that I can now hit return and still be in my post. Woot! Thank you, BLs!!!!!!
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
I'm not committing to read all my downloaded freebies and free samples. But, it has been working for me if before starting a new read I make myself read a couple of pages of a free book/sample. Ditch it right away if writing is incoherent or too torturous to make sense. Read enough further to judge whether it's something I would want to read when in the mood for whatever genre or atmosphere the thing had.

That's why i have bookshelves for "samples to read" of books I move off to shelves called "sampled must buy" "sampled liked" "sampled unsure" (which could just mean sample was too short to tell and not be any reflection on book) ...
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Oh, and some samples miserably fool you. Because some copyeditors give author a free sample of their efforts which unscrupulous authors use for the sample. (Pretty rare, but I have run into.)
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
"But, it has been working for me if before starting a new read I make myself read a couple of pages of a free book/sample."

That's a great idea. I may challenge myself to do that, rather than to read the books. I know if I read a few pages and I like it I'll probably keep reading, but I won't feel the stress of having to. Thanks for mentioning that. :)
Lady Danielle 11 years ago
I made one, as well! But it's in my Elmo cookie jar. x)
Ladybug's Doodles 11 years ago
I love this idea, but it would never work with me. I have the problem of having to wait for the bookmobile to get books for me to read :D and I don't know when they will come in or even if they will come in, so usually I am not a planner of reading material. :D

*big sigh of disappointment*
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
Sorry this is so late! I've been truthfully away from the computer (and hence from Booklikes) except for hit and run moments when I could grab them. However, I wanted to comment before I have to abstain from the site over Christmas - no portable computer...and little WIFI anyway :`(

The jar is lovely and I think it will work great over the year! The list you provided was amazing. I particularly can recommend the Princess Bride (though it's nothing like the movie) and Redwall (talking animals that fight battles...amazing!).

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker...I'm not sure if that's the exact book I'm thinking of but the story itself I've been dying to read about. My dad read the lady's diary and really enjoyed it.

Death Comes to Pemberley and the Sherlockian...need to be in my jar! Why haven't I put them in yet? *Goes to do that NOW*