Comments: 4
Sarah's Library 10 years ago
Does it ever happen to you where you're right in the middle of reading a very emotional scene and someone interrupts you, and they become very sorry they did when you explode at them like they killed the character?
No More Booklikes, BYE 10 years ago
Oh the scars I carry on my fictional heart
Tired of Spamlikes 10 years ago
I actually got so mad once and I threw the book across the room. Not my proudest moment lol . I hate it when people interrupt me reading , especially if it is for some stupid
Sarah's Library 10 years ago
And the stupidest reason is to ask "Where are you?" or "What are you doing?". My internal (sometimes out loud when they're being particularly irritating) answer tends to be along the lines of "I'm hiding from you so I can read in peace." answering both questions while telling them to leave me the hell alone.