Comments: 4
Olga Godim 10 years ago
Could you, please, translate the name for those of use not fluent in Hebrew? Does it mean 'crazy'?
bookaneer 10 years ago
I don't know Hebrew either, but supposedly that means something between "nonsense" and "a mess," unless I've spelled it wrong.
Degrees of Affection 10 years ago
Yeah, think I'll give this one a pass. Which is sad because, like you said, the Jewish beliefs and stories make it sound very interesting and so, very tempting.
Gwen (guest) 9 years ago
I am so glad to read this! I just suffered through this book and was baffled because all the reviews talked about how great it was. I was lost the whole way. I'm not sure why I continued to read it. I think I was hoping it would become clear.... Not really. Thanks for an honest review!