Comments: 8
Gecko's Corner 11 years ago
I hated this book, but love your review...
Unimportant Musings 11 years ago
No better compliment than that, so thanks. It was my pleasure.
Unimportant Musings 11 years ago
Catch-22 didn't strike your fancy? But it's riotous stuff! Granted, it got weird and boring for me at the end, but I thought the rest of it was solid. Wonder how well it'll hold up in a re-read. Also, there aren't many weeks left in the year now until the next, though anyone could burn through Catcher in a day if they had nothing better to do.
Unimportant Musings 11 years ago
Understandable. You make me want to go back and re-read the whole book now to see if I'm not remembering it through rose-tinted glasses.
aka Grasshopper 11 years ago
I fell under its spell at 15, as did my daughter at about the same age. I've always maintained that if you didn't read it as an angst-filled adolescent (with or without acne) you've missed the boat. Your review makes me think a re-read might be possible if only to test my theory. I read someplace ( probably on this site) that there is a prequel coming our way in the form if a short story called something like "An Ocean Full of Bowling Balls"!?
Unimportant Musings 11 years ago
It would've been something had I stumbled upon Catcher in my teenage years. Wonder how I'd've taken to it back then. As for the prequel, that's a cool title for it, and one which reveals absolutely nothing. Hope it sheds some light on Holden's childhood, and shows us what his relationship with his family was like. Catcher gave hints of it, and I wanted more.