Comments: 9
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
Looks interesting! Have you read the other two in the series?
Yes, the first "The Turncoat" is my favorite from the series so far and the second "The Rebel Pirate" I gave 3 stars, I liked it but it got meandering a lot.
I definitely think the whole series is worth a read but you're also going to have to be a fan and interested in this time period. The historical detail and use of real people, places, and events is amazing; the romance component often takes a backseat.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
I'm a huge history buff - I prefer the historical part of historical romance. Have you read Sharon Kay Penman?
I read her Welsh series a long time ago :) When I was obsessed with medievals I devoured them. I haven't thought about her books in a long time, makes me want to do a reread!
I got so excited about thinking about the Penman books I forgot to say, if you're a history buff then you will definitely appreciate Thorland's stories. She uses real people and models her main characters after real individuals, too. Her strong women characters and shining the light on how yes, women played a big part of history, is fantastic.
Abandoned by user 9 years ago
I love her Welsh Princes trilogy - it is still my personal gold standard for historical fiction. I've also been thinking about rereading them, but I have so much on my reading plate right now that I don't have time!
Yes, American Revolution is a neglected period just now. My gold standard for the period is still Elswyth Thane's Dawn's Early Light.
Ooh, I've never read Dawn's Early Light. Off to add to tbr :)
It's an old enough title that my mother gave it to me when I was twelve!