Comments: 5
Rachel the Book Harlot 11 years ago
I love this format. Alan, would you mind terribly if I steal this format? I've been going through some sort of weird reviewer writers block so I'm thinking of consolidating reviews of a few books in one post.
Alan's "Whatever" Blog 11 years ago
Of course I don't mind, I only tried it out because I got lazy and didn't feel like writing a review for the second and third books in the series when they were mediocre at best.
Rachel the Book Harlot 11 years ago
Thank you! I think it's great idea. It will also come in really handy during the semester when I may not have time to write up full reviews. The only issue is that it will work great here, but not so great on GR since I'm planning to consolidate reviews of books that aren't connected in any way. Ah well, maybe I'll just post the short mini-reviews on GR anyway.
Alan's "Whatever" Blog 11 years ago
You know you didn't have to ask, can't say as I've seen other reviewer's do the same thing but I don't imagine I'm the first. And even if I was I wouldn't have minded you doing the same thing. :)

As for posting on GR, because they were of the same series I just posted the review under both books. Not sure how that would work with completely separate books though.
Rachel the Book Harlot 11 years ago
Awww, thanks. :) I don't know what my deal is lately, but I can't seem to write anything. I just end up staring at the screen for 3 hours, writing something I feel turns out stupid, shut down my computer and start another book. haha **sigh** I'll get it together eventually. :)