Comments: 37
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
There were no horrible authors on Goodreads? There was no blogger/author drama? I am confused because this was not the way I saw it at ALL. To me EVERYTHING was about author/reader interaction on Goodreads.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Yeah I'm with Kara on this one.
On booklkes, damn it! On booklikes! That's what I meant.
Sometimes I hate my brain. Traitor.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
In that case, YES I agree. Though Carroll was here (deleted his profile) and I think Douthit still is.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Yes, but douthit is just here to give away her book. She is the reigning queen of WTFkery over at shelfari as far as i'm aware
I know nothing about those people. I wasn't long enough on GR before shit hit the fan. I didn't know that people like that even existed. Pff, I'd put them in a bag with unicorns, ether and honest politicians. Their behaviour really shocked me.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Kaia 11 years ago
What concerns me is that STRGB will harangue Booklikes until they, too, cave. They already know that complaining enough can get them what they want, and they've done it before, so it worries me that they might pursue us here and continue the tactics they've been using all along. That's what their kind of bully does. It doesn't matter where we go, they'll follow us and hound us because they're not satisfied with having won on GR.
I've been thinking about it too. But hey, here even if they get accounts you can block them! :D That's a very bright side/site.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
I'm worried about that too, Kaia. :(
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
I have no idea how to block on here lol
It's not like anyone made a tutorial XD lol I think there is a post about it on BL. It was a very reassuring one. Ideally it would ban a person in question from interacting with you (commenting on your things) but when I stumbled upon it I didn't pay attention. I may be worth checking out. I think that would be fair.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
I didn't see a tutorial at all....
There isn't one. No one thought about it until now (we were kind of naive, I guess) But BL has official info about blocking people. I just don't know what that entails. I need to do some research.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Ok so from a quick read of the BL post... if a person is following you you can block them from seeing your content if you think they are going to use it to harass or bully you in any way.
Sounds good to me. If they can't see your content, they can't comment. You just cut them off! Sounds brilliant to me. They'll all be disaffected. ^^
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Yeah... but I still can't figure out how to actually do it if I ever need to lol
You go to friends -> followers and when you hover mos over someones rectangle, icon appears on a right side near the top.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
What I don't like is that you can't preemptively block someone. They have to click follow for you to be able to block them. I should be able to seek them out and block them before that happens if I wish to.
No, that would be wrong. It's like saying that every boy needs a daily beating, because if he haven't done anything wrong, it's because he didn't succeed or you don't know what he's done.

actions -> consequences

I don't believe in pre-emptive punishment.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Right.... that's simple enough. I swear I wasn't being deliberately thick. I'm playing The Last of Us again at the same time so I'm splitting concentration lol
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
Well to me Carroll and Melissa have already done plenty wrong. To me personally. I'd like to block them so they can't stalk me further.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
Not to mention, we were able to preemptively block at Goodreads, why not here? Sorry but I do not agree with that at all.
I don't think they have accounts here :D Yet.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
They do.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
I think Carroll may have deleted his but I don't even know what Douthit's name is. She had a book up for giveaway and I didn't manage to get a screen cap of the avatar and name she is using.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Douthit is Morning Java
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
Dream | Escape | Read 11 years ago
The whole "it might get hidden if enough people block them/mail us" is a bit disconcerting though, because knowing STGRB, they'd just keep mailing them, and announce a whole list of users on their webpage for their readers to send in complaints about.
Archer's Asylum 11 years ago
Yes, but here's an idea... why don't we wait and see what happens down the line rather than instantly assume BL will believe their BS. They've been nothing but helpful thus far. Lets not tar them with the same brush as the shit that went on at goodreads. Sound fair?
Dream | Escape | Read 11 years ago
Yeah I'm always ready to give them the benefit of the doubt, and I am under the impression they'd at least check out a user's reviews/blog before "labeling them as a troll". I'm just saying it opens up a lot of ways for the STGRB to misuse the system if no clear guidelines or safeguards for mailing/reporting are set.
Kaia 11 years ago
I can understand why people are twitchy, though. After GR turned on readers, I can see why people are afraid of it happening again. What makes me most nervous is I'm not sure Dawid quite understands the situation with STGRB. Hopefully he's wise to what they're up to.
Ery 11 years ago
Ok, so I'm new here and still learning so or give me if this is a silly question but- if non-members can see your page and post a a guest, what good does blocking do? I have quite likely overlooked it, but can you restrict posts so that only certain categories can see it?
I've been thinking about the same thing. I have no idea :(