Comments: 6
Rashika, The Book Owl 11 years ago
Nooo disappointed by Bold Tricks? Now I am worried (I have yet to read the second book in the trilogy and was waiting for the 3rd book to come out :P)

The Book Geek 11 years ago
Yep, massively. I loved the first book, and the novella, and I really liked the second book, but not this one.
Interesting. I just started Bold Tricks but am not far enough in to have much of an opinion, so I'm curious to see what I'll think. I loved book 1, but didn't like the prequel much, so I'm sort of split at the moment. Dangerous Girls was a bit of a mind trip, wasn't it?
The Book Geek 11 years ago
I'm looking forward to what you think as well - I'll probably be in the minority again, lol.
Lisa's Bookshelf 11 years ago
It's good to hear form you again. I hope your head feels better. As someone who gets chronic migraines, I know how miserable a headache can be.
The Book Geek 11 years ago
Thanks, Lisa :) I get migraines too and I hate them. :( This wasn't as bad, thankfully, but I did break down and take some medicine for it - which knocked me out, but it's lessened.