Comments: 14
Awww -- fingers crossed for Boo, and (virtual) kisses to her and Suzy.

I hope your work-related issues finally get sorted out; this all really sounds awful.
Kitty Horror 6 years ago
Thanks, I’m sure she’ll be fine but you can’t help but worry about them.
I’m so over work, I’m dreading going back.
:( Maybe a change really is due in 2019!
Murder by Death 6 years ago
First, your holiday avatar is adorable - I'm assuming the 'horror' there is on the part of the kitty for the indignity of someone sticking a hat on him. :D

Second - I hate when my cats go under anaesthesia too; I know they'll be fine, but I still hate it. Virtual chin scratches to Suzy, and Boo gets the virtual snuggles. Because anaesthesia.
Kitty Horror 6 years ago
I thought a Christmassy change was appropriate. Glad you approve. :D
Boo is back from the vet, a bit drowsy but everything went well and she's now having a nap. I still hated leaving her though and could feel the tears coming on as I said goodbye to her. Suzy was a bit perplexed but happy to have a few kitten free hours. LOL
Murder by Death 6 years ago
Happy to hear Boo is home and sleeping it off. As I write this she's probably been up and at 'em for awhile. Hope she does't fuss with her stitches too much (if they still use stitches? It's been awhile since I've had a female cat neutered).
Glad to hear it all went well ... for all concerned!
Kitty Horror 6 years ago
She was quite restless last night but looked tired. She's got a collar on which is restricting her a lot. She's going back to the vet tomorrow for a check up so I'll see if it can come off as she can't eat a lot with it on.
Poor baby. I hope she'll be able to get rid of the collar soon.
6 years ago
Oh, I'm glad Boo is back home and that Suzy enjoyed her time alone.

Your work though? Sounds like a change might be due. Seems to me that 6 months is ample time to get things sorted out.
Kitty Horror 6 years ago
All is well at home now. Suzy is getting plenty of peace and quiet as Boo is restricted due to her collar so she can't chase Suzy around at the moment.
Yeah, work. I"m back next Monday so I'll speak to the manager yet again. I might also speak to my union.
I'm glad to hear you do have a union representative to talk to ...
Kitty Horror 6 years ago
I hate to go down that road but I think 6 months is enough time to sort out something so basic.
It definitely sounds that way!