Comments: 6
I hate moving. We used to move a lot when we were first married, always looking for a bigger, better deal on a place to live. Now I have too much shit that's breakable and I'm too sick to put my life in boxes. When we bought our house in 2014 I said that was that unless the Air Force says otherwise.
I've never really moved, so... And I'm excited; it's going to make my last year so much easier.
Hey, if you're excited, that's all that matters. I enjoy decorating a new place. Making a new place a home. I just dislike the physical moving part. Which is odd since I am always house hunting.
I also dislike moving, or traveling, or whatever. But, yeah, I'm excited about decorating, etc.
Tannat 6 years ago
Unless Boston has some weird rental apartment crisis, your brother can definitely find an apartment by September. One month is a bit tight, honestly, but 1-2 is doable.
He doesn't want to move. He figured I could do it in a month - which he doesn't remember saying - but he has three months, and he knew he had to move out two months ago. He SHOULD have been looking but claims he won't be looking until mid-July.