Comments: 8
6 years ago
I'm sorry Grim. Good for you for standing up though.
This will be resolved by Readercon or else I will start chucking their shit out onto the balcony/street. He won't answer me so I had to call The Wife and say that if they are in the apartment alone I will tell the neighbors they're trespassing.
Well, keep your head up. Calm down... I think dismantling things can be quite calming when feeling stressed!
I'm going to look for my lost Lost Light issues. Focusing on something small helps me not think about shit like this.

If he doesn't get back to me by tomorrow, there will be no negotiation: September first. This is not how moving out when you lease apartments work: you don't agree to move out on the first, and then get your shit out by the fifth :/
Bark at the Ghouls 6 years ago
I am so sorry your brother is such a jerk :(
I'm not when he doesn't talk to me, or pull this kind of shit. I told The Wife they'll be trespassing if they go in past September first, especially if they try to go in alone, so he'll probably never talk to me again, anyway. Yay!
Tannat 6 years ago
I'm sorry your brother is being so difficult. At least the place will be all yours soon?
Yup. And my mom is like 'nope, lol, he will be out by August 31' so there's that.