Comments: 21
I absolutely love the cover to this that you had up on a post before.

This fits into what I thought when I saw that cover, too. It's creepy and strange and based on this/the cover, I'd snap this up in a second.
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Hopefully I find a home for this. It's probably going to come out to be 800-1000 pages, and trad publishers frown upon long novels these days.

If nothing else, I'll self pub it after everyone turns me down.
Good luck on the tradpubs!
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Thanks :)
Bark at the Ghouls 9 years ago
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Thanks, Barks. :)
Omg dude put some pants on ! Well I would trick or trick at that house, I guarantee it !
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Cause I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee... Free BALLIN! :D
No pants I can understand,but NO SHOES? Unacceptable!

Seriously now,great work on the setting here :)
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Maybe he didn't have anything to match his red coat :)
Red lace undies ?
I've always been a fan of the red/yellow combo. Deadpool sports/proves that Marvel Girl has yellow panties here:

Warning: it's Deadpool. You see too much. Far too much.
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Yodamom, that is hilarious for multiple different reasons. Wish I could tell you why lol
See, and I thought you said you weren't writing horror but literary stuff now :P

This comment is more frightening to me than anything else I've read as of yet.
Yellow would complement his red coat perfectly, but against that skin tone ( shutters )
Yodamon,I'm hoping your comment will be the cause of some red lace undies being added to the plot :D
I can't properly explain why anything with panties - no matter what color the skin tone - no longer skeeves me out...
:D Come on E. ! I did a search on men's red lace panties for a good picture- 0.o what an eye opener that was I'm awake now. Bwahahahahhahahahahha
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
Grim, the literary stuff has been submitted. I'm waiting on answers back from the publishers. I also write more than one book at a time. Right now I have a literary novel entitled I AM SQUARE in the works, along with a project with Craig Saunders, and this one. :)
Ah. Thanks for the explanation.
Lornographic Material 9 years ago
There's already something in the book. You'll have to read it to find out. That's why I found your comment so funny. :)