Comments: 2
Krazykiwi @ Kiwitopia 10 years ago
Indeed. And that's only in 4 months.

Obviously part of that can be attributed to "well it's because they were allowed to price lower in other places now", but in reality, I find most people are a little more careful about giving their credit card and address to online shops. I think most people don't just open an account to buy one book here, and another book there, and then fiddle with all the trouble it is to get books onto devices and so on.

I rather suspect that when other stores were allowed to be competitive with Amazon at all, even if over part of the range, most people wholesale shifted their book buying to (new store of their choice).

Of course I can't prove it, but I'm going to go right ahead and keep an eye on those market share numbers, because it's mighty interesting.
Debbie's Spurts 10 years ago
I trust Google Play even less than amazon ...