Comments: 8
Familiar Diversions 9 years ago
I keep meaning to try one of Murakami's books. Based on your review, this definitely won't be the one I start with.
The English Student 9 years ago
I'm now conflicted over whether I should read any more of his. On the one hand, they're praised to the skies by everyone ever. On the other hand, this.
I am avoiding this one, yes I am
The English Student 9 years ago
It really is rage-inducing.
I have a love/hate thing for this author. Good writing, asshole like thoughts often appear though.
The English Student 9 years ago
Oh, that's interesting - would you recommend reading any of his others?
This doesn't sound like the first book I should try by this author, though he's one I keep meaning to start with someday. Some times it's just not worth knowing what the author's point was if you didn't enjoy the book.
The English Student 9 years ago
That's a good point - I just worry that I'm being unfair to the author because I haven't "got" the book...