Comments: 6
Ceridwen 8 years ago
Man, I love Carter. I heavily recommend The Bloody Chamber. Her novels are good, but her short stories are flipping fantastic.
The English Student 8 years ago
Those are her fairytale retellings, aren't they? I definitely plan on reading them at some point :)
Ceridwen 8 years ago
They are fairy tale retellings, but with Carter's usual profane and obscene take. I know some of it is nostalgia for my lost youth, but man, do those stories do it for me. Have you seen the movie she wrote the screenplay for? It's bananas.
The English Student 8 years ago
I had absolutely no idea she wrote a screenplay - what's the film called?
Ceridwen 8 years ago

It's ... not a successful film, but you can see it wanting to be one. Neil Jordan was the director, and I think he has the wrong sensibility to direct Carter's stuff: too much realism or something. And just about everyone is miscast, including Angela Lansbury, who would have killed if she reprised her bitch mom routine from Manchurian Candidate. Anyway, I think that it's the closest we'll get to a wolf novel, the one she was working up to before she died way too young. Very 80s, for better or worse.
The English Student 8 years ago
Ooh, looks interesting - thanks!