Comments: 9
Linda Hilton 6 years ago
What a fabulous review! I have a lot of Hambly's SF -- Dragonsbane was my intro to her, too -- but somehow didn't even know she wrote historical fiction. Thank you for expanding my horizons! (And adding to my virtual TBR!)
Chris' Fish Place 6 years ago
She also has a book about Mrs Lincoln (which is good), a book about the wives of the founders (and she works in Hemings), and one about two friends during the Civil War.
You *will* do unspeakable things to my TBR, won't you?!
Chris' Fish Place 6 years ago
That is because I refuse, REFUSE, to be the only with a TBR mountain chain.
I can think of several people here who are suffering from the same condition ...
Linda Hilton 6 years ago
Raises hand. And other hand. And a foot.
Centipedes are us ...
Great review, I agree. Believe it or not, the first six (!) books of these are sitting on my physical TBR -- have been forever, in fact. Maybe now I'm finally going to get around to reading them ...

@Linda: I, OTOH, first heard about Hambly because of this series and only learned that she also wrote fantasy much, much later! :D
Chris' Fish Place 6 years ago
I got behind when she switched publishers, but now I'm caught up on the buying, so here we go.