by Kat Falls
An accessible dystopian/science fiction that would serve as a good introduction to the genre for many of my 5th graders. The unique deep sea setting, mystery, action, and budding romance will hold their interest. There is conflict and deep sea creatures, but not very graphic. Grades 5 up. Listened...
Prepare for a wild ride with this one! I was completely taken by surprise when on a whim when I added this one to my library. DARK LIFE introduced me to a new world teeming with rich imaginings, mystery and fast-paced action. I fell in love with Ty and his underwater world from the moment I finished...
After devastating earthquakes shatter continents and flood entire regions, humans are forced to live in stack cities with hardly any space to call their own. The only ones with any space to spread out are the pioneers willing to take a risk and live under the water on the ocean floor. A group of se...
In Dark Life, Kat Falls has created an amazing undersea world that seems a distinct possibility in our current predicament of global warming and natural disasters. Ty is immensely likable as a boy on the brink of adulthood that knows more and is capable of more than his parents realize. While this c...
Dark Life by Kat Falls is a really fun read. It's also incredibly suspenseful. You know that old cliched saying, "It's a real page turner?" Well I'm going to be redundant and say that's exactly what reading this book is like. It's an incredibly fast read and before you know it you're halfway through...
Think Firefly, only under the ocean and for teens. Which is to say, no one got eaten ON SCREEN. Also, I loved it. :D
Due to flooding life topside (above water) is very difficult and space is at a premium. People have been forced to move to the only remaining land and are now living in giant sky scrapers all squashed together like sardines in a tin. Gemma is an orphan and is a ward of the commonwealth so has neve...
I adored Dark Life. Lately, I've been reading books that have been on my wishlist for eons and have turned out to be extremely disappointing. (The Body Finder is a fantastic example of a book I was in lust with - and like most superficial relationships, it fell apart upon actually reading it.) So, m...