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Dinah McCall - Community Reviews back

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Lyndi rated it 8 years ago
This was a DNF for me two years ago. Tried again and liked it well enough. I just thought that Isabelle was a bit of a whimpering dish rag and that the Big Reveal was obvious. It was also pointless and wrapped up so immediately that it's hard to process it before it's over.Not my favorite story from...
Lyndi rated it 8 years ago
I always feel weird when I'm left with a feeling of envy after reading a romantic suspense. Like... people are trying to kill this woman, but I still want to be her. That can't be normal.
Lyndi rated it 8 years ago
Well, that was fucking TWIST, man! Totally didn't expect that - I really thought I had it all figured out. Nope. Not even close. But it all made perfect sense in the end, just as much sense as my assumption.Let's see... complaints, complaints... I've always got 'em.There was a secondary threat elimi...
Lyndi rated it 8 years ago
Note to self: This is the German version of Storm Warning.
Lyndi rated it 8 years ago
Took me a while to get this, but it was worth the wait. I'd have given it 5 stars had there been a little suspense and less repetition. How many lives can Jackson save in one book? Oh, like...seven. How many times can Rebecca almost be raped? How many times can Daniel look at Jackson with distrust? ...
Dawn772 rated it 9 years ago
A very intense story with a powerful ending. I particularly liked the open-minded heroine and the hero's philanthropic activities but the romance avoidance got repetitive in the first half of the book. Jackson is trying to find a job after spending half his life in prison for murdering his father an...
Lyndi rated it 10 years ago
So I gave this one another shot and I'm kinda on the shelf about it. The plot was interesting, though entirely unrealistic. The characters were fine... none of them had a lot of back story or development, probably due to the fact that there were seven main characters. Everything was just kinda avera...
Lyndi rated it 10 years ago
Female MC leaves town within the first few pages, but she had no reason to run away. It's not like people were out to get her or she had demons... she lost her house and very clearly had a place to stay with her boyfriend. There was no point in leaving other than to be a coward. Aside from that, I'm...
BUGGY rated it 10 years ago
Opening Line: “Destry Poindexter was beating the hell out of his wife, Lucy.” I always struggle with Sharon Sala/Dinah McCall. Some of her books I've enjoyed others I've not even finished, -all have a high cheese factor. This one had a great premise, a follow through that I wasn't expecting (and n...
The Book Diva's Reads
The Book Diva's Reads rated it 10 years ago
2.5 star read
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