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Disease and Medicine in World History - editions back

by Sheldon Watts
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Disease and Medicine in World History - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History
publisher: Routledge publish date: June 19th 2003
format: paperback pages: 178
language: English
ISBN: 0415278171 (9780415278171)
Disease and Medicine in World History (Themes in World History) - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History (Themes in World History)
publisher: Routledge publish date: June 19th 2003
format: kindle pages: 177
language: English
ASIN: B000OI1764
Disease and Medicine in World History - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History
publisher: Routledge publish date: August 4th 2003
format: hardcover pages: 176
language: English
ISBN: 0415278163 (9780415278164)
Disease and Medicine in World History - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History
publisher: Routledge publish date: July 5th 2005
format: ebook pages: 176
language: English
ISBN: 1134470584 (9781134470587)
Disease and Medicine in World History - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History
publisher: Routledge publish date: July 5th 2005
format: ebook pages: 176
language: English
ISBN: 1134470576 (9781134470570)
Disease and Medicine in World History - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History
publisher: Routledge publish date: July 5th 2005
format: ebook pages: 176
language: English
ISBN: 1134470533 (9781134470532)
Disease and Medicine in World History - Sheldon Watts
Disease and Medicine in World History
publisher: Taylor & Francis Group publish date: June 19th 2003
format: ebook
language: English
ISBN: 1280107596 (9781280107597)
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