Genre: Horror / Comedy / Folktale / Retelling / Action Year Published: 2010 Year Read: 12/18/2014 Series: Pinocchio Vampire Slayer #2 Publisher: SLG Publishing Introduction: After I had finished reading “Pinocchio Vampire Slayer,” I was so interested in the premise of this grap...
Genre: Horror / Fairy Tale / Remake Year Published: 2009 Year Read: 11/6/2014 Series: Pinocchio Vampire Slayer #1 Publisher: SLG Publishing Introduction: Alright, so when I was browsing through my library looking for some good fairy tale books to read, I stumbled upon this unknown gra...
This is a new take on Pinocchio that stays true to the original, while still being wildly original. It's dark, and clever, and funny, and so, so much more than I expected. Even after reading some - some brilliant reviews by friends that I trust - my reaction was still really? No, seriously? ...
I soured on vampires before vampires were cool, back in the early '90s. But how could I resist picking this up? The premise is amazing, even if you're not a vampire-phile. The art is wonderful, with a razor-edged Disney feel. The characters were good, but I didn't find myself too vested in any of th...
I dare you to look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't pick this up if you stumbled upon it. Come on, Pinocchio as a vampire slayer? You know you'd be intrigued! Well, whether you agree with me or not, the fact remains that I was definitely drawn in by the idea. I'm a sucker for a good retelling,...
Sandman:Citizen Kane::Pinocchio Vampire Slayer:Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hot damn!And the art is cool. The flashbacks are either in woodcuts or drawn to imitate them and it's fantastic.
Pinocchio is all grown up (well, sort of,) and has found honest work, and a never-ending supply of... wait for it... vampire killing stakes. Oh, I guess you got that part from the title and cover art? So the hook is obvious, Pinocchio, the wooden boy of the original story, finds his purpose in life ...
This book had so much potential but completely turned me off. The recap at the beginning was extensive but necessary to explain the plot to anyone who hasn't read Pinocchio. I prefer authors who can weave backstory into the main plot and create a story anyone can love, regardless of whether they rea...