Eben Alexander
Birth date: December 11, 1953
Eben Alexander's Books
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I first heard Dr. Eben Alexander's speech on YouTube some time back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhah5WdWRCk. Here was a neurosurgeon: steeped in facts of science about the brain and its workings, and being in a coma so deep that he 'crossed over' into a realm that upon awakening, he struggled to...
I'm just not sure. Not that it was not a good book but I think I was expecting something else. More of the actual "proof of Heaven" part and less of the "this is how our brain works" part. But then again I'm not in the medical field and I don't need as much convincing about defying logic.
I wanted to like this book. I wanted to believe it. The author seems so sincere. Who would not like to think that there is something beautiful beyond death, that there is nothing to fear, that we can do no wrong and we will be unconditionally loved? Yet, my determination was severely tested by the a...
This book sucks. The end.Why it sucks? OK. There is no afterlife. An educated person should know better. He is a neurosurgeon and he is fooled by his own near death experience. Sam Harris said it better here. All in all. This book sucks. A better article regarding the near death experience by Sam Ha...
Ever since I read this stinker, a book bent on manipulating you into Christianity, and not in proving an afterlife, I had been kind of keeping an eye out for a book that was a credible counterpart to it. I had heard stories of NDEs previous to reading Heaven is For Real, and new such credible cases...