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Eliza Lentzski
Writing has always been a part of my life. I wrote my first "novel" in 5th grade when I wanted to be a marine biologist. This career choice was short lived; Judy Blume's "Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself" scared me away from oceans forever. So I wrote about them instead. "Mutation in the... show more

Writing has always been a part of my life. I wrote my first "novel" in 5th grade when I wanted to be a marine biologist. This career choice was short lived; Judy Blume's "Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself" scared me away from oceans forever. So I wrote about them instead. "Mutation in the Sea" told the story of twin siblings who, like a Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Super Mystery, solved cases that even the most astute police officer couldn't decipher. Today, I'm a historian with a passion for fiction. Some of the best-loved lesbian pulp fiction novels from the 1950s and 1960s inspired me to write my own stories--works like Claire Morgan's "The Price of Salt," and Anne Bannon's "Beebo Brinker" series. I understand the long tradition of romance fiction and its importance in the lives of women readers. I also publish urban fantasy and paranormal novels under the name E.L. Blaisdell. I write stories filled with angst, miscommunication, and the struggle to balance love and an ambitious career. My characters are not without their flaws, but despite these imperfections, they ultimately find their own happy endings. You can follow me on Twitter (@ElizaLentzski) and on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/elizalentzski) for more information and exclusive sneak peeks of my upcoming novels. http://www.elizalentzski.com
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Best Lesfic Reviews rated it 6 years ago
3.5 starsIt is so difficult to say something about a book where everything is great except one pivotal scene. One scene that throws questions about the romance and makes us really dislike a hitherto okay character. Read the full review @https://www.bestlesficreviews.com/2019/02/winter-jacket-by-eliz...
bezweifeln rated it 8 years ago
This is a behind the scenes look at a reality show that is similar to "Marry a millionaire" or some such. With a lesbian romance as an element of the story I could not miss comparing the book to, [b:Reality Lesbian|18073805|Reality Lesbian|Q. Kelly|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1371215589s/18073805....
bezweifeln rated it 9 years ago
thinking, thinking. I rounded down with Ms Lentzski last time, so now I am rounding up.On the one hand I could nit pick this book, ask questions of it that the author may not have of planned. If "the flowers were the first to go" there soon would not be any food for any animal, for example. I could ...
bezweifeln rated it 9 years ago
For the first three fourths of this book I loved reading the story with it's major and minor characters. The main character had plenty of humor and I enjoyed how the book was written, not easy based on the pervy notion of dating a student, former or otherwise. I read, I smiled, I laughed - really en...
bezweifeln rated it 9 years ago
I hardly ever enjoy first person in the romance genre unless the various other characters really speak their minds in dialogue that shows who they are and what is happening within them. This could have been such a cool story about dealing with paralysis and romance, the horror of feeling that one mi...
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