In 'Lie in Wait' a teenage girl is murdered while babysitting for a lawyer who's taken on a high-profile, highly controversial case. Set in a fictionalized version of the small town of Canaan in the far Northeastern corner of the Vermont, this is a thriller that makes great use of its setting and re...
Eric Rickstand takes readers on a journey of missing teenage girls that will take the readers to a place that they least expect: Frank Rath thought that he was done investigating murders when he handed in his detective badge after the murder of his sister and her husband by a serial killer many ye...
The Silent Girls is set in Vermont and Rath, a former police officer, now private investigator is helping the local police look into the disappearance of a young girl. Part way through the investigation other disappearances are revealed that look similar and then a body is found. Rath has been raisi...
This novel starts off with one Hell of a creepy bang that had me expecting a John Connolly style thriller.Sadly, the meat of the story loses some of the promised edginess, gearing down into a well written, but unspectacular mystery involving a missing girl in rural Vermont. The ending proved to be s...