EROS, PHILIA, AGAPERating: 2* of fiveAdriana's father messed with her, and so she's all messed up, and she's rich so she buys herself a sex-slave robot and has the manufacturers make him look like her father.Yuck.A MEMORY OF WINDRating: 2* of fiveThe story of Iphigenia, sacrificed by her father to A...
This book was okay. Not the best in the world but you do feel yourself drawn to Lucian.
The tone of the story is good, and it is a good story about self and marriage. It is rather predictable though.
A short story about a woman who falls in love with a robot, who in being given his freedom, realizes that his capacity for love is an artificial, human thing. It explores the different kinds of love, and the line between love and possession, and it has many layers to examine, though the damaged Adri...