Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz (author)
Publisher: Samhain
Edition language: English
I seriously need to ponder the words that will explain just how great this work is. Well, for me, this one has been just about a perfect reading experience that I can only equate to a classic. I think I will steal the phrase instant classic. It fits here. There is a lot to love about Exorcist Road. ...
Exorcist RdFive stars is not a rating I give out often, but Jonathan Janz's Exorcist Road deserves a very solid five stars. This was a very well crafted tale in which two priests are called to a home in the Chicago suburbs late at night to preform an exorcism on the teenage boy of a parishioner. But...
What can I say...just brilliant, one of the best horror novellas I have read this year. The story revolves around the search for the "sweet sixteen killer" and the possession and excorcism of a demon residing in the body of young Casey Hartman. Many readers will draw inference from The Excorcist by ...
This was an eARC from Netgalley.Demonic possession and a serial killer.Been there, done that, got the t-shirt...right?Wrong.Jonathan Janz proves himself to be one of the more imaginative authors in horror when he takes these two staples of the genre and goes off in an unexpected direction....at high...
You might think that constructing a homage to The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty is attempting to fill some fairly large shoes. But author Jonathan Janz does so commendably well with his new novella from Samhain Publishing.Coming in at a fairly lean 132 pages, Exorcist Road not only manages to set...