I don't know if this is Mauriac's best but I can see why Nabokov loved it so much. It reminds me a lot of Pnin if Pnin wasn't so weak-willed, and of Becket's Molloy with a more "realistic" context and a much meaner main character. Meaner but somehow lovable, very much like a Nabokovian character.
La peur est le commencement de la sagesse.On n'est jamais malheureux que par sa faute.
So, it normally doesn't take me four days to read a 109 page book. This was a really good book however, there were quite a few spots that I had to just stop because some of the things are horrifying. I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested in the Holocaust.
It feels wrong to say this was a great book, since the subject matter was so dark, but it was a wonderful re-telling of one man's incredible struggle through the holocaust.
This is definitely a book that will change your perspective on life. I am forever amazed at the resilience of the human spirit.