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Gender and Justice: Violence, Intimacy, and Community in Fin-de-Siècle Paris - editions back

by Eliza Earle Ferguson
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Gender and Justice: Violence, Intimacy, and Community in Fin-de-Siècle Paris - Eliza Earle Ferguson
Gender and Justice: Violence, Intimacy, and Community in Fin-de-Siècle Paris
publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press publish date: February 18th 2010
format: hardcover pages: 280
language: English
ISBN: 080189428X (9780801894282)
Gender and Justice: Violence, Intimacy and Community in Fin-de Sie`cle Paris - Eliza Earle Ferguson
Gender and Justice: Violence, Intimacy and Community in Fin-de Sie`cle Paris
publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press publish date: February 26th 2010
format: ebook
language: English
ISBN: 0801897920 (9780801897924)
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