“The Feral Warriors are hot.”—New York Times bestseller Rachel Vincent Immortal shapeshifters, powerful and wild, are dedicated to combating evil in Pamela Palmer’s extraordinary paranormal romance series—and Hunger Untamed is the magnificent continuation of their passionate adventures. A...
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“The Feral Warriors are hot.”—New York Times bestseller Rachel Vincent Immortal shapeshifters, powerful and wild, are dedicated to combating evil in Pamela Palmer’s extraordinary paranormal romance series—and Hunger Untamed is the magnificent continuation of their passionate adventures. A brilliantly original mix of sorcery and sensuality, Hunger Untamed unites a dangerous, mistrusting Kougar with the beautiful, ethereal life-mate who abandoned him thousands of years earlier, as they join forces to battle a darkness that threatens to destroy both their races. The Chicago Tribune loves Palmer’s “dark and intense” Feral Warriors, a series that, “delivers plenty of sexy passion and high-testosterone drama”—and any reader who has ever been seduced by the dark romance of Lora Leigh, Marjorie M. Liu, and Nalini Singh will love it, too.
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