A Marine Sniper who once faced the death penalty for killing terrorists in Iraq, no one knows the theft of history better than Ilario Pantano. He's seen his own story rewritten in front of his eyes while the media lied and twisted facts to drive a political agenda. Unlike most so-called culture...
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A Marine Sniper who once faced the death penalty for killing terrorists in Iraq, no one knows the theft of history better than Ilario Pantano. He's seen his own story rewritten in front of his eyes while the media lied and twisted facts to drive a political agenda. Unlike most so-called culture warriors, Pantano actually has the scars and "knows what it's like to be caught in a crossfire," according to Colonel Oliver North. +See Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" interview of Ilario, here: http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/mwq6qa/ilario-pantano+Read recent article on Ilario: http://www.jdnews.com/article/20150130/News/301309859Pantano is not your typical Infantry officer turned history sleuth: He has traded commodities at Goldman Sachs and shared the gospel with hard men facing hard time as a jailhouse chaplain. Pantano is the only author in America to be profiled in both TIME and Soldier of Fortune Magazines and run a marathon faster than Lance Armstrong. An on-the-street witness to the attacks of 9/11, Pantano rejoined the Marines to fight in his second war despite being told he was too old. After a brutal tour of duty in Falluja that led the left-wing press to call him a "Jack Bauer" Republican, Pantano's family received death threats from Al Qaeda. His first book, Warlord, chronicled the fights which would prepare him to challenge liberals like Chris Matthews over media bias against the military. The MSNBC host was forced to admit Pantano is "a guy who knows what he's talking about." Even Jon Stewart, an avowed Iraq critic, was won over telling his Daily Show audience that Pantano's memoir was "sobering, upsetting, but wonderful to read." Fox's Sean Hannity told America that Pantano "belongs in Congress," and Sen. Tim Scott, Sarah Palin, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Ryan and Allen West all agreed. By day Pantano is a tireless advocate for our nation's veterans, but for the past six years he has walked battlefields and scoured archives on another mission: restoring the stolen valor of the American Revolution. Lots of people can talk about culture wars. Ilario Pantano is a real life warrior fighting to defend our culture.
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