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Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism - editions back

by Dwight Hamilton
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Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism - Dwight Hamilton, John Thompson
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism
publisher: Dundurn publish date: June 10th 2006
format: hardcover pages: 252
language: English
ISBN: 1550026089 (9781550026085)
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism - Dwight Hamilton, John Thompson, Kostas Rimsa, Robert Matas
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism
publisher: Dundurn publish date: February 28th 2007
format: paperback pages: 252
language: English
ISBN: 1550027298 (9781550027297)
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism - Dwight Hamilton
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism
publisher: Dundurn Group (CA) publish date: June 10th 2006
format: ebook pages: 252
language: English
ISBN: 1282814028 (9781282814028)
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism - Dwight Hamilton
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism
publisher: Dundurn Group (CA) publish date: February 28th 2007
format: ebook pages: 252
language: English
ISBN: 1282811495 (9781282811492)
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism - Dwight Hamilton
Inside Canadian Intelligence: Exposing the New Realities of Espionage and International Terrorism
publisher: Dundurn Group publish date: February 28th 2007
format: ebook pages: 252
language: English
ISBN: 1770702733 (9781770702738)
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