This was intense like I like my Harlequin Presents. I honestly didn't like Nick at all initially. I totally thought the worst of him. But then there would be moments where he looked so devastated and heartbroken. I sort of guessed what his issue was partway into the book, and that he was trying to p...
Be adam bu kadar soylu davranmayaydın da kızı salmayaydın çayırada kızın güvenini çatırdatmayaydın sonrada yıllar sonra tehditle evlenmeye zorlamayaydın ne olurdu ha? Ne olurdu sanki.
For a more detailed review discussion read Booklover's review and the comments that follow it but here is why I like it:-The hero and heroine are shown to be good friends before the hero pulled off his scheme of separation-There are parts which are funny. Like a certain scenario with a goat (ahem!)-...