"I know other worlds existI can see themin my peripheral vision."
A super fast but super adorable and beautiful read. It's a perfect mix of some quirky art and equally quirky, cute, sometimes even thought-provoking stories that will appeal to, well, anyone really!My favourite ones were about the sugar cube with his Wicked Witch of the West impersonation as he melt...
This was free when I bought another book, so I felt obliged to read it. It's cute; nothing I'd normally buy (especially at $14.99, jeesh), but I liked it. It's put together by Joseph Gordon Levitt, so I absolutely would have picked this up at the library, if I'd known of its existence. Now that I...
This book contained...SURPRISE! Tiny stories. They are no more than 5 liners, really but they were almost all poetic and cute - almost Shel Silvestein-esque. I like being priced at $17 CAN is daylight robbery but hey. It's a compilation of us, the people's work so I guess you'll be supporting artist...
This book is exactly as what it claims to be. A tiny (physically tiny) book of tiny stories. A sentence-long story on every single page to be exact, accompanied by a lovely illustration.It's a really cute idea and some of the stories made me smile. I'm not too sure if it's worth the money but I gues...
So fantastic. So whimsical. So wonderful. Great stories and inspiring work by average ordinary writers/artists/etc. It's light, it's twee - but it's wonderful.Full review-type stuff here: http://ragingbiblioholism.wordpress.com/2011/12/26/the-tiny-book-of-tiny-stories-vol-1/
MY THOUGHTSABSOLUTELY LOVED ITHow much do I love this book? An infinite amount.Each story is a combination of images and words all for maximum impact. Much like Six Word Memoirs and Hemingway's short story, this slim volume is huge with concepts. Created by a multitude of artists, this multimedia ...
It's a nice little book. Original idea in making it. Some illustrations are really good.