by Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker, Ethan Becker
If you look on GoodReads under "Popular Cookbooks Books" (sic) the Joy of Cooking is right at the top. It's reputably the go to cookbook, a "teaching" cookbook for those who don't just burn toast, they're capable of burning water. I'm not that bad, but neither am I a gourmet---I could use some teach...
I use this one all the time, on everything from salads to pancakes to chicken dishes. Grilled or roasted, the Joy of Cooking is always there for me.
All good kitchen require this book. The older verions are better, but you can't find those to buy mostly, they are passed down in familys beacuse they are just so useful. But this version is still good. Although it reduses the fat in everything and has fewer good recipes for bread that don't requ...
This is a must-have if one has even the slightest inclination to cook. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts.
I'm a lousy cook, mostly because I have no taste. Nonetheless, on those occasions when I try, this is the book I turn to.
I've had this cookbook since I moved into my first apartment. It wasn't quite as helpful as [b:Sunset Easy Basics for Good Cooking|6808|Sunset Easy Basics for Good Cooking|Janeth Johnson Nix||10048], but it was a great reference for everything that th...