With a my new job came a commute, a 3 hour a day commute. That is 15 hours a week that I can't have my nose in a book. However, that is the perfect time to have my ear buds in and listen to a book. It was through a similar situation many years ago that I discovered J.D. Robb and the In Death serie...
[Note: I reviewed each book individually, as spoiler-free as I possibly could. This review of the kindle bundle (the edition I actually read) is my review of the series as a whole. Here there be spoilers. You have been warned.] I have averaged only 2-3 hours of sleep per night all week. Partly bec...
This is my all time favorite series! Jericho Barrons is my number top book beau and MacKayla Lane is one of my favorite heroines. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. They are just that good!
Iwillbe honest, I haven't "read this book" in the literal sense, but I HAVE read all the books in this series. Same fecking thing. I feel compelled to rate this book because as a whole I would rate this book 10 stars. Five stars just doesn't do it any justice. I wish there were more books out there ...