Kathryn Harvey
Birth date: January 30, 1947
Kathryn Harvey's Books
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This book is about far more than simple seduction and erotic fantasies. The author spins a deep and engrossing tale that spans decades, showing what the drive of one young women can build over time. Butterfly is a unique and exclusive club that caters to women’s fantasies. The men, staff, and client...
Bu yorum aynı zamanda ÜKG Blog Turu adına Romancekolikte yayınlanmıştır.Romance'ten biraz sıkılıp farklı şeylere yönelmek istediğim bir dönemde Kelebek'i okuduğuma seviniyorum.Benim için oldukça değişik bir kurguydu. Sanırım ben böyle kitapları seviyorum. Daha önce de aynı bu şekilde çoklu anlatımı ...
5. ÜKG Blog Turumuzun kitabı olan Kelebek hakkında yazdıklarım için Kitap Esintisi adresine buyrun.
quite liked the story, illegal baby smuggling/adoptions & the search for a lost/stolen child. but at times, especialy getting towards the end, it occaionally got difficult to keep up as it began to change character POV every few paragraphs/pages, rather than at each chapter as it had been.
A woman scorned...When I first started to read this book for a moment I thought, "are they trying to convert me?" you'll know why if you read it. But then the story began to unfold, and I was shocked when I learned how it all started. At 14 years of age, Rachel is forced by her mom to leave her home...